
Restoration of Essential Public Assets


Project No. 6369

BE Collective has provided a range of specialist Project Management and support services to the Queensland Reconstruction Authority (QRA) across several years, assisting with the multi-billion-dollar restoration of civil infrastructure assets damaged due to disaster events since Cyclones Tasha and Anthony in 2010/11.

BEC Managing Director, John Tuxworth, initially undertook Program Management for Value-for-Money assessment of National Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangements claims.

Our contribution has subsequently been extended to include:
> Program Management for $200 million grant funded reconstruction in Western Queensland
> Foundation of VfM assessment frame-work for the $80 million 2013 joint State and Federal Government Betterment fund
> Establishment of a task-focused DTMR assessment team in 2013
> Representation at District Disaster (and Local Disaster) Management Groups for Cyclone Marcia in 2015