In August, BEC Exec Director, John Tuxworth, joined the Expert Panel for an IAKS (International Association for Sports & Leisure Facilities) Architects’ Forum. The event was held in Wellington, NZ, as part of the Waves Conference, in collaboration with Recreation Aotearoa. Waves facilitated an opportunity for engineers, architects, designers, local councils & facilities managers to further develop their knowledge pertaining to aquatics infrastructure, & how to maximise resilience, responsiveness, applicability & sustainability within the sector.
As part of the Waves events, the IAKS Architects Forum enabled a meeting of minds, & knowledge sharing with those who have contributed to the most significant sporting infrastructure developments currently being undertaken in Australia & New Zealand.
Expert Panel members included:
- Mark Bates, Director at Architecture HDT Ltd, who shared information regarding the new ESD Guidelines he contributed to for Sport NZ;
- Matt Body from Warren & Mahoney architects who, in collaboration with Populous, designed Te Kaha (the new multi-format ‘One NZ Stadium’) in the centre of Christchurch, due for completion in April 2025; and
- Shane Brodie, Spaces & Places Lead at Sport Waikato who provided insight about Council’s Active Spaces Plan, & how the Region overcame the financial challenges inherent in realising high-quality sports developments by partnering with community

John Tuxworth shared BEC’s experience of working on projects including Brisbane’s Suncorp Stadium & Perth’s WACA aquatic centre, along with insights for sustainable design as well as the 2032 Olympics.
The Forum was a success in no small part due to IAKS Board Member, Yvette Audet.
Relevant Links:
Warren & Mahoney Architects | Warren and Mahoney (wam.studio)
Global Architectural Design – Stadiums, Arenas, Events | Populous
One New Zealand Stadium | Te Kaha Story | Enduring Strength
New Christchurch Stadium | One NZ Stadium (onenewzealandstadium.co.nz)
#IAKS #Aquatics #AquaticEngineering #Sports&Leisure #BEC #WAM #ArchitectureHDT #WRASP #Sustainability #ESD #Australia #NewZealand #Olympics2032 #Fluidra #SuncorpStadium #WACA #TeKaha #OneNZStadium