
Bubbling Springs, Hiddenvale

Project No: 6973

The Bubbling Springs Landscape Masterplan is a proposed eco-tourism site covering 11,000 Acres and accommodating approximately 290 people. The development will provide facilities to the Hidden Vale Adventure Park which is primarily mountain biking and trail running. The development is to be based on sustainable principles to minimise impact on the natural landscape while aiming to maximise the natural, educational and cultural values of the existing environment.

Following an information request from Council, Spicers Retreats reached out to us. BEC’s provision included Design and Documentation for an emergency Generator and associated fuel storage; Handling of Flammable and Combustible Liquids; maintaining the functional use of the proposed Wastewater Treatment Systems; Cold Storage for the Café/ Restaurant; and the location of generators and pumps for water reticulation for water supplies. We designed all documentation to include appropriate offsets and clearances for remnant bushland/vegetation.

Images: Tim Bardsley-Smith (more…)