Belambi Street Modular Prefabrication
BE Collective was extremely excited at the opportunity to work with renowned Sydney architect Hannah Tribe of Tribe Studios and Redwood Project’s Sam Graiche on an innovative residential prototype, involving a pre-fabricated modular construct.
The idea was to create a modular pre-fab that could be both cost and time efficient. Time and money could be saved by offsite manufacturing and standardisation techniques, and the existing home could be used while the new structure was being built. A pre-fab structure was found to be appropriate for the site especially in regards to the uneven sandstone ground that would normally make piles difficult.
BE Collective was commissioned to provide consultancy services relating to a range of design and engineering aspects, including modularisation and connectivity issues. In terms of structural design our initiative was to “dematerialise” without compromising structure. BE Collective representatives from the Brisbane office were flown to Sydney for a site inspection and to meet and collaborate between partners.
The balance of rigorous design and engineering requirements was facilitated through a commitment to collaboration and a high level of effective communication. (more…)