2018’s Electric Vehicle Conference & Expo

BEC was proud to attend this year’s Electric Vehicle Conference & Expo, held in Brisbane on the 9th & 10th of November.

We were thrilled by the event’s ‘electric’ atmosphere, and the industry-encompassing spread of products & presentations. The Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre was ‘positively charged’ with passionate EV owners, enthusiasts, investors, professionals, and public servants.

Puns aside; there were a few standout presenters & products that we feel are worth giving a shout out here; including Tritium, Fast Cities Australia, and SEA Electric. Strangely Tesla was not in attendance – at least not via a sponsorship or presentation on the Friday.  

The event was both exciting & inspiring, and we can’t wait for the next.  We’re always behind moving things in a greener direction, which comes through in everything from our projects to our own office (our shiny new solar panels could keep an office Model S charged right?)

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