Project no. 6739
The Maud St site contains a stunning two-level heritage-listed warehouse building of approximately 1400 m2 and two smaller attached warehouse buildings at the rear of the site.
Owen Architecture (who we’re honoured to be working with) has proposed a mixed-use re-development that includes a flower market, commercial kitchen, roasting and bakery operations on ground level and function / conference room plus commercial offices on Level 1. The development is sensitive to the heritage nature of the warehouse and it is assumed that the existing building fabric is to be preserved to the maximum extent possible, including interior exposed brickwork.
With consideration to our extensive experience in mixed-use and heritage refurbishments, (Newstead Brewery at Milton, Wickham Hotel Refurbishment, Gambaro’s Restaurant and Hotel, Africa Hall for the United Nations) the BE Collective team have been commissioned to provide structural, civil, ESD and hydraulic consultancy services covering the design and construction phases.
We’re excited to be intimately involved in a project that has such aesthetic and cultural appeal.
More pictures to come stay tuned.